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 About Olivia_ 

St. Petersburg Counseling
Olivia Pelts M.A., NCC, Licensed Professional Counselor Intern

I help people fight the anxiety that is preventing them from connecting with others. I help people climb out of the pit of depression so they can find their true worth and value. I empower children and teenagers who were robbed of their innocence. I support parents  who feel lost and hopeless. Ultimately, I help people discover the value, the worth and the identity that is unique to them. I help people rediscover who they are. That is my passion.


I have been working with young adults and kids for the last decade in all types of settings.  Providing one-on-one mentorship, working as a resident assistant in college to professionally as a counselor. I have seen people at their wits end, just before their light goes out. I have also seen people transform and become a better version of themselves.


When I worked exclusively with missionaries and NGO Workers--while living in Nairobi, Kenya--, I saw profound anxiety that kept them isolated. Significant depression that sucked the life out of them and left them feeling like a shell of a person...someone who was barely alive. Exhausted, worn out and burned out. One individual commented that it felt like life had chewed her up and spit her back out.


I have worked with children in the foster care system. Witnessing, first hand, the scars and wounds that come from being neglected, abandoned and abused. The way those kinds of wounds play themselves out through anger, defiance, post traumatic stress disorder and concenration issues. 


I have worked with adults who felt like their past was keeping them from living their life, now. Feeling constantly worried about others. Unable to accept joy and love without waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. People who look "fine" on the outside but are wasting away on the inside waiting for someone to notice.


Click Here to schedule a free consultation. There is hope.




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