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Individual/Couple/Family Counseling

Counseling is incredibly raw and vulnerable. It takes courage to enter counseling. It takes strength to sit with someone and dispel some of the most intimate moments of your life. Counseling is meant to be a process of journeying together alongside of one who is skilled to ask questions, to challenge, and to know where that road is taking you. Olivia considers it a high honor to journey with you , to help you carve out a deeper understanding of who you are in order to better understand your struggles so you can begin to make a change. Counseling, in essence, is plunging into the deep waters of your self and discovering who you are and the strength that is within. Send Olivia an email to begin your journey!

[ Individual / Trauma / Performance / Sexuality / Missionary Care / Life Coaching ]



It is estimated that only 8% of people achieve their New Years Resolution. Sadly, only 1 in 3 children are physically active every day. 65% of American Adults are considered to be overweight or obese.  Another 42 million people, approximately, live with some variation of anxiety in the US. Maybe you don’t need a "therapist," in the traditional sense, but you are unsure of whom to see to increase your performance in your work, your every day life, in the gym or your relationships:


  • Struggling with insomnia? Lack of energy?

  • Unsatisfied with life?

  • Feeling like you're always "missing the mark?"

  • Does nervousness/anxiety control you and keep you from enjoying a fulfilling life? 


Olivia is a crossfit level 1 coach and blends functional fitness with counseling. This combination has proven across numerous studies to be extremely beneficial in areas of trauma/ptsd, depression, anxiety and others. Being able to work with you in the gym and in your mental health development is an amazing asset that Olivia is extremely excited about. Gym Owners: Looking to increase membership and provide goal setting sessions to retain clients and add value to your gym? Start the conversation, here

[ Coaching / Goal Setting  / Counseling / Movement / Online Life Coaching ]


Comprehensive Trauma Assessment

Having worked with foster care children as well as facilitating adoptive family sessions, Olivia see's the value in treating symptoms early on alongside of the parent/caregiver. Olivia has been trained in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and has witnessed the effectiveness of this approach in kids from 6-18 years of age. TF-CBT is an evidenced based approach and has been regarded as the model program and best practice in treating children with trauma. In the first 1-3 sessions, Olivia will administer a formal standardized assessment to both the child and the parent/caregiver. Together, we will work to create a treatment plan that addresses your child's specific needs centered around the results of the assessment. Don't let the past take away your future any longer. There is hope.

Click here to set up your initial consultation with Olivia.

"Thank you so much for offering the Daring Greatly book study recently. It created tremendous growth for me spiritually and mentally. I was able to peel several layers of "my onion" away and go much deeper than I would with 1:1 therapy...I would do it again!" -Anonymous

"Olivia is passionate about her work! She brings a high level of expertise, authenticity, and personal depth to the counseling room and invites her clients to experience greater health and wholeness." Whitney R.

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